101 Tips for Creating Compelling LinkedIn Posts

Does your team struggle to create stellar social media posts? We’ve got you covered.

Here’s a list of 101 tips covering everything from strategies and techniques to creating compelling and effective graphic design content specifically for LinkedIn.


Content and Strategy

  1. Define Your Objective: Determine what you want to achieve with each post (e.g., brand awareness, lead generation, thought leadership).
  2. Know Your Audience: Tailor your designs to appeal to the demographics and interests of your LinkedIn connections.
  3. Use High-Quality Visuals: Always use sharp, clear images or graphics that enhance your message.
  4. Keep it Professional: Maintain a polished and business-appropriate tone in your designs.
  5. Share Insights and Tips: Provide valuable content that educates or helps your audience.
  6. Highlight Achievements: Showcase your work, awards, or milestones visually.
  7. Be Consistent: Maintain a consistent visual style and tone across your posts.
  8. Utilize Branding: Incorporate your company’s colors, fonts, and logo into your designs.
  9. Create Series or Themes: Develop themed posts or a series that followers can anticipate.
  10. Include Calls-to-Action (CTAs): Encourage engagement by prompting users to like, comment, or visit your website.
  11. Optimize for Mobile: Ensure your designs are mobile-friendly and easily readable on smaller screens.
  12. Educate with Infographics: Use infographics to explain complex concepts or data in a visually appealing way.
  13. Tell Stories: Use graphics to narrate stories or share experiences.
  14. Showcase Testimonials: Share customer testimonials or reviews in a visually striking format.
  15. Feature Industry Trends: Keep your audience informed about the latest trends and developments.
  16. Share Behind-the-Scenes Content: Give glimpses into your creative process or company culture.
  17. Ask Questions: Encourage interaction by posing questions related to your industry.
  18. Use LinkedIn Features: Leverage LinkedIn features like polls, events, or articles to complement your posts.
  19. Collaborate with Influencers: Partner with influencers for joint content creation.
  20. Repost Successful Content: Repurpose or repost content that has performed well previously.

Design Elements

  1. Choose the Right Colors: Use colors that complement your brand and convey the right emotions.
  2. Balance Text and Visuals: Avoid overcrowding your design with too much text; aim for a balanced composition.
  3. Use White Space: Allow breathing room around elements to improve readability and visual appeal.
  4. Select Appropriate Fonts: Stick to readable and professional fonts; limit yourself to 2-3 font styles per design.
  5. Create Visual Hierarchy: Guide the viewer’s attention using size, color, and placement of elements.
  6. Incorporate Icons: Use icons to represent ideas or concepts succinctly.
  7. Apply Consistent Filters or Effects: Maintain a cohesive look by using consistent filters or effects.
  8. Experiment with Typography: Use typography creatively to emphasize key points.
  9. Use Grids and Alignment: Ensure elements are aligned properly for a clean and organized appearance.
  10. Design for Accessibility: Ensure text is legible and colors have sufficient contrast for all users.
  11. Add Depth with Shadows or Layers: Use shadows and layers to create depth and dimension.
  12. Utilize Brand Imagery: Incorporate recognizable imagery associated with your brand.
  13. Design for Scanning: Optimize your design for quick comprehension with clear sections and headings.
  14. Create Visual Teasers: Use intriguing visuals to encourage users to click for more information.
  15. Experiment with Animation: Incorporate subtle animations to grab attention (but avoid being too distracting).

Tools and Resources

  1. Use Design Software: Invest in professional design tools like Adobe Creative Suite, Canva, or Sketch.
  2. Explore Stock Libraries: Access high-quality images, icons, and graphics from reputable stock libraries.
  3. Create Custom Graphics: Design unique visuals that align with your brand identity.
  4. Optimize Image Sizes: Follow LinkedIn’s recommended image sizes for different types of posts.
  5. Use Templates Wisely: Customize templates to maintain consistency while still adding a personal touch.
  6. Keep File Sizes in Check: Optimize images for fast loading times without sacrificing quality.
  7. Seek Feedback: Share drafts with colleagues or peers to gather constructive feedback.

Engagement and Visibility

  1. Post Regularly: Maintain a consistent posting schedule to stay top of mind.
  2. Engage with Comments: Respond promptly and thoughtfully to comments on your posts.
  3. Tag Relevant Connections: Mention relevant individuals or companies to expand your reach.
  4. Use Hashtags Strategically: Research and use relevant hashtags to increase discoverability.
  5. Optimize Post Timing: Experiment with posting times to determine when your audience is most active.
  6. Share User-Generated Content: Repost content created by your followers or customers.
  7. Promote LinkedIn Events: Design posts to promote events or webinars hosted on LinkedIn.
  8. Encourage Shares: Craft content that your audience will want to share with their networks.

Analytics and Optimization

  1. Track Performance Metrics: Use LinkedIn analytics to understand what content performs best.
  2. A/B Test Designs: Experiment with different visuals to identify what resonates most with your audience.
  3. Monitor Trends: Stay updated with design and content trends on LinkedIn.
  4. Optimize Headlines: Pair compelling visuals with attention-grabbing headlines.
  5. Experiment with Video: Incorporate video content for increased engagement.

Etiquette and Best Practices

  1. Respect Copyright Laws: Use only licensed images and avoid plagiarism.
  2. Credit Sources Appropriately: Provide attribution when using third-party content.
  3. Stay Professional: Maintain a positive and respectful tone in your interactions.
  4. Proofread Your Content: Double-check for typos and errors before posting.
  5. Avoid Over-Promotion: Balance promotional content with valuable insights and information.

Trends and Innovation

  1. Follow Design Trends: Stay informed about current design trends to keep your content fresh.
  2. Experiment with 3D Design: Explore three-dimensional visuals to stand out.
  3. Incorporate Augmented Reality (AR): Utilize AR features to engage your audience.
  4. Integrate Interactive Elements: Include interactive elements like quizzes or polls in your designs.

Continuous Learning

  1. Attend Workshops and Webinars: Participate in design workshops to enhance your skills.
  2. Join LinkedIn Groups: Engage with design communities on LinkedIn to exchange ideas.
  3. Seek Feedback: Learn from feedback and continuously improve your designs.
  4. Follow Design Influencers: Gain inspiration from influential designers and thought leaders.

Networking and Collaboration

  1. Collaborate with Copywriters: Work closely with writers to ensure text complements your visuals.
  2. Partner with Marketing Teams: Align your designs with broader marketing strategies.
  3. Connect with Industry Leaders: Build relationships with influential figures in your industry.

Visual Storytelling

   72. Use Before-and-After Comparisons: Showcase transformations or improvements visually.

   73. Employ Mood Boards: Use mood boards to inspire and guide your design process.

   74. Create Visual Guides: Develop step-by-step guides or tutorials using visuals.

   75. Visualize Data: Present statistics or data in an engaging and understandable

   76. Use Illustrations: Incorporate custom illustrations to add personality to your posts.

   77. Show Progression: Use sequential visuals to illustrate growth or progress.

   78. Highlight Benefits: Showcase the benefits of your products or services through visuals.

   79. Use Iconography: Use icons creatively to communicate ideas quickly and effectively.


Branding and Identity

  1. Maintain Brand Consistency: Use consistent colors, fonts, and imagery aligned with your brand identity.
  2. Feature Company Culture: Share visuals that reflect your company’s values and culture.
  3. Create Branded Templates: Develop branded templates for recurring content like quotes or tips.
  4. Integrate Logos Strategically: Place your logo discreetly within your designs to reinforce brand awareness.

Engagement Strategies

  1. Encourage User-Generated Content: Invite followers to share their experiences or creations related to your brand.
  2. Run Contests or Challenges: Design posts for contests or challenges to encourage participation.
  3. Feature Employee Spotlights: Highlight team members or employees through visual profiles.
  4. Celebrate Milestones: Create visuals to celebrate company anniversaries or achievements.
  5. Share Industry Insights: Provide valuable insights and predictions related to your industry.

Personalization and Connection

  1. Personalize Messages: Customize visuals to resonate with specific segments of your audience.
  2. Address Pain Points: Design visuals that address common challenges faced by your audience.
  3. Humanize Your Brand: Use visuals that showcase the human side of your company.
  4. Celebrate Diversity: Incorporate diversity and inclusivity in your visuals to reflect a broader audience.

Optimization and Adaptation

  1. Test Different Formats: Experiment with carousel posts, slideshows, or single-image posts.
  2. Localize Content: Tailor visuals to resonate with specific regions or markets.
  3. Optimize for SEO: Use relevant keywords in your post captions and descriptions.
  4. Repurpose Content: Adapt successful designs for different platforms or purposes.

Inspirational Design Ideas

  1. Create Quote Graphics: Design visually appealing quote graphics from industry leaders or thought influencers.
  2. Share Book Recommendations: Design visuals to share book recommendations or reading lists.
  3. Feature Customer Stories: Showcase success stories or testimonials from satisfied customers.
  4. Highlight Partnerships: Design posts that highlight collaborations or partnerships with other brands or influencers.
  5. Express Gratitude: Use visuals to express gratitude to your audience, clients, or partners.